Advent impulses: Anticipation
Can you still remember the feelings you had as a child in the run-up to Christmas? The positive, tingly excitement when you thought about the things…
Advent impulses: Serenity
Are you already in the Advent mood? Have you already baked all the cookies? Got all the presents? Put together a conflict-free guest list? Cooked the…
Advent impulses: Breathing Deeply
Indeed, Christmas is almost here again! But isn't this article a little early for Advent? Definitely yes - and on purpose. Because this year, the…
Why organisations need to strengthen their crisis awareness
Crisis. A frequently used term, not only since the beginning of last year, when the Covid-19 virus confronted us as people and, at the same time,…
Emotions need to be kept under wraps
Feelings have no place in business life: we need to look for solutions in a very rational way. Feelings just get in the way and take up too much time…
Of Machines and Footballers
Both the content and delivery of our leadership training are consciously based on a systemic understanding of leadership and management.
Mindfulness: Esoteric nonsense or leadership approach of the future?
The topic of ‘mindfulness’ is one of the major trending topics that is being discussed among executives. It is accompanied by wide-ranging promises:…
Why complexity rules
Complexity rules our world. That is the core of our brand message. Why did we choose this and what does it say about Movendo and our work?
Everyone is talking about Agility, Industry 4.0 and New Work. What does ‘Movendo’s always worked like that’ mean?
Even if Harry Gatterer rightly points out in his very inspiring work ‘Future Room’ that “one cause of the inflationary use of trend words (…) is the…
Leading leaders means actively shaping the leadership culture
Whether it is a question of attracting talent or integrating acquired companies, the question of what culture is experienced in a company has now…