Created by Marc Chmielewski

well:fair (Neven Subotic Stiftung) und Movendo. Über die Entstehung einer Partnerschaft.

Der Zugang zu sauberem Wasser, Sanitäranlagen und Hygiene (kurz: WASH) ist die Grundlage dafür, dass Kinder regelmäßig die Schule besuchen können. Bildung ist der Schlüssel zu einer nachhaltigen Zukunft und bietet Kindern die Chance, ein selbstbestimmtes Leben zu führen. Gemeinsam setzen wir uns für eine Welt ein, in der jeder die Möglichkeit hat, seine Zukunft zu gestalten. Unser Geschäftsführer Marc Chmielewski, erzählt im folgenden Beitrag, wie die Zusammenarbeit zustande kam.


#favouritemodels No. 30 - Leading leaders: When a leader's own employees themselves have leadership responsibility for teams or parts of the organization, the leadership role is expanded by…
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#favouritemodel No. 25 - Designing culture in a deliberate way : Culture emerges from the sum of repetitive behaviors in a particular context. With this understanding, we are not defenseless in the face of our…
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#favouritemodel No. 22 - Observation of the 2nd order: A key assumption of systemic theories is that each person as an individual observer of his or her environment, from WHAT she or he perceives with the…
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#favouritemodel No.21 - House of Change - Farsightedness: Not only because the roof was never used in the image of the House of Change, but based on our experience in supporting many transformation processes,…
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#favouritemodel No.16 - Levels of leadership action: Anyone who examines the nature of leadership will inevitably encounter the thought: When and through which activities do I create value in the team…
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#favouritemodel No.11 - Virtual Leadership: Virtual, remote, leading at a distance - no matter what you call it, it is always about leadership, leadership as a function and a shared mental…
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